Siirry sisältöön

Door renovation at the Nastola Library will be completed sooner than expected. Therefore, the normal library entrances and services will be available in the week beginning July 15.

The Nastola Library’s renovations this summer caused changes to the the Library’s entrances and services. In the beginning of July, a snow recess was built at the front door of the Library to prevent problems caused by snow to the operation of the doors in winter.

The renovation, which was expected to take the whole of July, has been completed sooner than expected. So, the Library’s entrances and services will soon be in normal use. From July 15, the Library can again be entered through its own front door. The Library’s self service hours will be available again from July 17. The self-service hours will be available every day from 6:00 to 22:00.

Nastola Library has a more functional front door for the winter. 

Additional information:

Lahti City Library, Terhi Lehti, Head of Library Services, Branch Libraries, tel. 044 483 1513

Since the end of June, the Ellibs service has no longer been among the services at the Lastu libraries. Replacing Ellibs as the e-book service, library customers can now use E-library, a joint service of Finnish public libraries, which was opened in the spring.

Lastu libraries have terminated the Ellibs e-book service as the joint E-library was opened. The Ellibs service is no longer available to Lastu library customers.

From now on, the E-library can be used by our customers. More material will be continually added to the service. Lastu library customers can borrow e-books and e-audiobooks and read digital replicas of Finnish magazines using the E-library application, which can be downloaded from the App store of your mobile device.

a person reading an e-book

You will find more detailed information about the e-materials on our web pages: E-materials at the Lastu libraries

The renovation works at the Nastola Library will cause changes to the library's entrances and services in the summer.

In July, a snow recess will be built at the front door of the Nastola Library. The aim is to prevent problems caused by snow to the operation of the doors in winter. The renovation will start Monday, July 1, 2024, and it will last approximately four weeks.

During the renovation, the library's self-service hours are not available.

The library is open according to the service opening hours:
Mon, Tue and Thu from 13:00 to 19:00 and Wed and Fri 10:00 to 17:00.

You can enter the library through the main door of the Loisto multipurpose building. The door is located on the same side of the building as the library’s front door. Signs guiding you to Loisto’s main door can be found in front of the library.

The renovation is expected to be completed and the self-service hours will be available no later than Monday, July 29, 2024.

Additional information:

Lahti City Library, Terhi Lehti, Head of Library Services, Branch Libraries, tel. 044 483 1513

between 1 July and 14 July 2024,
Lahti City Library, Johanna Mattila, Head of Library Services, Procurement and Logistics, tel. 044 416 3228

A new green oasis will soon flourish in the yard of the Laune Library because gardening boxes have been brought to the yard as part of the Nature-positive Lahti project.

The Lahti City Library encourages inhabitants of Lahti to be nature positive and for its part, the Library tries to bolster Lahti as an environmental city by making the city greener.  There are now two gardening boxes in the yard of the Laune Library. Lahti residents can grow their own plants in these boxes. Green, urban gardening is a part of a more comprehensive Nature-positive Lahti project, which aims to increase the diversity of nature in the city and make the city greener.

­– The yard of the Laune Library has a new look as gardening boxes have been placed there for Lahti residents. This communal green solution provides local residents with the opportunity to actively participate in the care of urban nature and at the same time enjoy plants they have grown themselves, tells Terhi Lehti, Head of Library Services at the Lahti City Library.

The Library’s yard project, implemented within the framework of the Nature-positive Lahti project, is one of the many measures that aim to improve the quality of life of Lahti residents and enhance sustainable development.  An example of what the project has undertaken earlier is that it has made it possible to increase vegetation in the yards of day care centres. This has led to very positive feedback.

Additional information:

Lahti City Library, Terhi Lehti, Head of Library Services, Branch Libraries, tel. 044 483 1513

Activating Indoor and Outdoor Game Backpacks Available for Everyone in the Lahti Libraries This Summer.

The Age Institute provides the Lahti City Library with backpacks full of games and other material to boost your vitality and facilitate indoor and outdoor activities. The backpacks can be borrowed from the Library.

In the Lahti region, there are already more than ten groups involved in the Together in the Neighbourhood Project. In these groups the inhabitants of Lahti can plan different activities to be carried out for example in the recreational facilities or the yards of their apartment houses. In the backpacks you will also find a guide on how to get started with the Together in the Neighbourhood activities.

– We hope that these backpacks will inspire residents of all ages, older people as well as families and groups of friends, to spend time together. In the summer, people are interested in yard games and expect to get instructions for outdoor exercise activities. It’s great that the Library makes it possible the Together in the Neighbourhood backpacks can be borrowed, says Jukka Murto, Together in the Neighbourhood Project Coordinator at the Age Institiute.

Suvi Haikola, Head of Library Services at the Lahti City Library, is also happy about the donation and thinks the game backpacs are well-suited to the Library’s collection.

– The game packpacks are a nice addition to the sports equipment and games the Library already offers, says Haikola.

The loan period for the game backpacks is two weeks.

Additional information:

Suvi Haikola, Head of Library Services, Lahti City Library, 044 416 3239

Read more about the Age Institute and Together in the Neighbourhood Project here.
Jukka Murto, Age Institute Coordinator, 040 552 7100 /  

The main library's summer schedule begins on June 1st.

During June, July, and August, our hours will be as follows:

  • Monday to Friday: 8 AM - 7 PM, with self-service from 8 AM - 10 AM
  • Saturday: 10 AM - 4 PM, with self-service hours
  • Sunday: Closed

lahti harbour lahden satama

Self-service hours in the Nastola Branch Library will be restricted beginning on February 16. Because of the restrictions, self-service hours are available on weekdays (Mon-Fri) from 6:00 am until the beginning of service hours and on weekends from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm. On Fridays the library closes at 5 pm. The restrictions last until April 1, 2024.

The self-service hours must be restricted because of the disorderly conduct of some customers. The behaviour of these individuals in an unsupervised area has been inappropriate and against the library rules. Several people have repeatedly been allowed to enter the library without logging in, and there has been disturbance in the library. Restricting the self-service hours is necessary to ensure the safety of other customers and the security of the library spaces.

Nastolan kirjaston sisäkuva

Because of a flaw in the library system, customer service in the libraries may be slower than usual. The problem may also have an impact on reservation pick-up notices sent by text message.

There are things you can do to avoid situations caused by the flaw in the system:

  • Use the self-service stations – borrow, renew and return your items at the self-service stations.
  • Use the Web Library – pay your overdue fines, follow the status of your reservations and fill out a library card application form in the Web Library.
  • Use the Web Library’s search functions – search for material at the website.
  • Log in to your account and instead receiving reservation notices by text message, select the email option.

If you have reserved material, follow the status of your reservation by logging in to your account in the Web Library. In this way you can check the current status of the reservation or whether the material can already by picked up.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers. Thank you for your understanding and patience!

The Main Library Auditorium will be out of service as of August, 2023 because there are damages in the space that may cause harm to people’s health. Therefore, the space needs to be renovated. The rest of the library building can be used as before. However, basic renovations in the whole Main Library will begin no later than 2028. Before that, there will be measures to make the use of the library safe.  

- When planning library events for the autumn, we have already taken into consideration that the Auditorium cannot be used. Events will be organized on a smaller scale in other library spaces. We will also try to provide normal service to groups from schools, says Salla Palmi-Felin, Director of Library Services.

Jussi Hietala, an indoor air expert at Lahti Tilakeskus (City’s property management, construction and maintenance services), says that a comprehensive dampness and indoor air survey has been conducted to form the foundation for the Main Library renovation project.
- Based on the statement by the health control authorities, there are damages that cause various kinds of health risks in different parts of the building.  

According to Hietala, damages that cause health risks can be found especially in the Auditorium, where damage caused by microbes has been detected on the floor. Therefore, the use of the Auditorium was already scaled down during the spring of 2023. According to the estimate of the Occupational Health Services, exposure to the materials in the Auditorium causes a moderate risk to the health.  

- In other parts of the building, possible health problems may be caused by sources of mineral wool fibres left unprotected in the structures and in the ventilation system.  Microbes in the lower parts of the exterior walls may also cause problems. However, according to the estimate of the Occupational Health Services, the significance of these factors to people’s health is slight, Hietala points out. 

The City’s Indoor Air Group has decided to set up a special Main Library indoor air working group. 

Lahti Tilakeskus is taking action to reduce, limit and eliminate the factors causing harm to people’s health. In 2023 and by the summer of 2024 measures will be taken to make using the Main Library facilties safer, for example by controlling the building pressure, by making ventilation more efficient and by carrying out structural repairs in necessary places. The basic renovation will begin no later than 2028.  

Additional information 

Lahti Tilakeskus, Jussi Hietala, indoor air expert,, 044 482 6222   

Salla Palmi-Felin, Director of Library Services,, 050 559 4098 

Lahti City Indoor Air Policy (in Finnish):


The Pegasos Mobile library will not be running its evening routes on Monday, April 3 and its morning routes on Tuesday, April 4.

There will also be changes to the Mobile library timetable at Easter. On Thursday, April 6, the Mobile library will not run its evening routes. The Mobile library will not operate at all from April 7 to April 10. On Tuesday, April 11, the Mobile library will not visit schools but it will run the evening routes as usual.

The Lahti City Wellbeing and Leisure Committee has decided on Wednesday, March 22 that self-service hours in the Mukkula Library are only available in the mornings. The self-service hours are not available in the afternoons or evenings after the library has closed. The restriction is in effect until further notice. There have already been limited self-service hours in the Mukkula Library after December 16, 2022.

The self-service hours at Mukkula are available in the mornings before the normal service begins and on weekends until 15:00. On weekdays the library closes after normal service hours: on Mondays and Tuesdays at 19:00, on Wednesdays at 16:00, on Thursdays and Fridays at 15:00. The self-service hours begin every day at 6:00.

The decision to restrict the self-service hours is due to some customers behaving in an inappropriate manner, breaking library rules. There has been continual vandalism in the library, facilities have been damaged and big bunches of people have crowded the library spaces. This kind of behaviour is a threat to other customers and to the library building.

We are trying to find solutions to this situation through multidisciplinary collaboration.