Siirry sisältöön

The technical issues with the mobile library have been fixed, and Saaga is back in service.

The Lahti City Library’s mobile library, Saaga, will resume its school and daycare routes, as well as evening routes, according to the announced schedule starting Wednesday, February 5th. The supplier of the library bus repaired the technical fault in Saaga.

You can find the mobile library schedules and routes on the Lastu online library.

See you at Saaga’s stops!

Additional information:

Lahti City Library Service manager, procurement and logistics services, Johanna Mattila
044 416 3228

The Ambassador of Ukraine to Finland Olga Dibrova visited the Lahti Main Library on Thursday, January 30th, for the donation event of the Ukrainian Bookshelf project. The event celebrated the donation of Ukrainian books to the Lahti library network.

The book donation was received by Mayor Niko Kyynäräinen and Library Services Director Salla Palmi-Felin. The event also featured a musical performance by Ukrainian students from Kirkonkylä School.

The Ukrainian Bookshelf project was initiated by Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska. Through this project, over 200 bookshelves have been established in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America.

The project is part of an initiative by Olena Zelenska and the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aimed at distributing Ukrainian literature to libraries worldwide.

– Literature and reading provide us with experiences, skills, and knowledge. Our roots live in and through culture. It is a pleasure and an honor to receive this book donation and offer our residents the opportunity to explore Ukrainian literature, says Mayor Niko Kyynäräinen.

With the donation, over 40 new Ukrainian books are available for loan in Lahti libraries. The collection mainly consists of children’s and young adult literature, but also includes adult literature. It features both fiction and non-fiction books, as well as classics of Ukrainian literature and poetry. Additionally, the collection includes some works from the Ukrainian primary school literature curriculum. The Lastu library collections have 350 Ukrainian books available for loan.

– We have strived to serve our Ukrainian-speaking customers comprehensively and meet their needs. This book donation supports us in this work, and we are very grateful for it, says Library Services Director Salla Palmi-Felin.

Additional information:

Salla Palmi-Felin
Director of Library Services / tel. 050 559 4098

International House Lahti

Photo: Lassi Häkkinen / City of Lahti

The Ambassador of Ukraine to Finland, Olga Dibrova, will visit the Lahti Main Library on Thursday, January 30th, starting at 11 AM, for the donation ceremony of the Ukrainian Bookshelf project. The event will celebrate the donation of Ukrainian books to the Lahti library network.

The Ukrainian Bookshelf project was initiated by the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska. Through this project, over 200 bookshelves have already been established in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America.

The event will feature speeches by the Ambassador of Ukraine to Finland, Olga Dibrova, the Mayor of Lahti, Niko Kyynäräinen, and the Director of Library Services, Salla Palmi-Felin, as well as a musical performance by Ukrainian students from Kirkonkylä School.

The event will be held in the event area of the Lahti Main Library and will last approximately 45 minutes. Ukrainian partners and stakeholders, as well as other Ukrainians in the Lahti area, have been invited to the event. The event is open to everyone.

Additional information:

Salla Palmi-Felin
Director of Library Services / tel. 050 559 4098

International House Lahti

Photo: Toni Tiainen / Lahti City Library

Temporary arrangement for Lahti’s mobile library service has been found. The replacement service concept, “library van,” will deliver materials to kindergartens, schools, and other customers starting from January 21.

The Lahti City Library will begin delivering materials to schools and kindergartens, as well as touring evening routes, with a van temporarily replacing the mobile library on Tuesday, January 21. Upon request, book bag orders and material reservations will be delivered to schools and kindergartens, and returns will be accepted. The evening routes will be driven according to the announced route schedule. In the evening routes, reserved materials will be delivered to customers, and returns will be accepted. Additionally, a small amount of loanable materials, including new adult releases and children’s and youth materials, will be available.

Materials can be reserved for the mobile library through the Lastu online library. Assistance with making reservations is available from library staff if needed. Reading tips for reservable materials can also be requested through the Lastu recommendation service.

Lahti’s mobile library Saaga is currently off the routes due to an extended malfunction, which is being investigated by the vehicle supplier. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please follow updates on the Lastu online library.

Additional information:

Lahti City Library Service manager, procurement and logistics services, Johanna Mattila
044 416 3228

Photo: Juha Harmaala / Lahti City Library

The Lahti mobile library will temporarily not operate its routes due to a prolonged malfunction.

The cause of the mobile library’s operational issues has not yet been identified, and the vehicle has been sent to the supplier for further investigation. The mobile library will not be in service until further notice.

Efforts are being made to temporarily replace the mobile library service with an appropriate service concept. The aim is to deliver reserved materials to customers as well as materials to schools and kindergartens. More information will be provided as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please follow updates on the Lastu online library.

Additional information:

Lahti City Library Service manager, procurement and logistics services, Johanna Mattila
044 416 3228

Lahti City Library’s eventful spring starts in January. The library’s spring events are full of freshness, nature, science, and means of civic engagement.

The theme for the spring 2025 events at Lahti libraries is civic engagement, which will delve into topics ranging from election information to environmental conservation. Lahti City Library is also involved in the Youth Elections, where young people learn about elections, parties, and voting, and acquire important democratic skills for civic engagement. Civic engagement is widely reflected in the selection of guests and the encouragement of societal influence. Civic engagement encourages focusing on sustainable solutions, which improves people’s well-being, understanding, and living environment.

In January, there will be notable guests such as Anna-Sofia Berner, a journalist from Helsingin Sanomat and former Washington correspondent. Berner has written the book “Ten Wounds in the Heart of America” (2024), which addresses the pain points of American society and their impact around the world. During her visit, Berner will talk about her current book and the experiences behind it.

Civic engagement is also explored multidimensionally through nature activism and environmental influence, which is vital for humans. In April, the guest will be award-winning nature documentary director Petteri Saario, known for his documentaries on the relationship between humans and nature, such as “Activist” (2016) and “The Harshest of the Harsh” (2014).

Music events are strongly rooted in the library’s program. The entertaining library music quizzes are familiar cornerstones of the events, and there will also be refreshing concerts that shake up traditions in a suitable way. The earthy tunes will be led by Luomuduo, the loudest trailblazer of Nordic instrumental post-folk, whose roots are deep in folk music and traditional playing.

During the spring, the city library offers a wide range of events with free access for everyone. There are familiar reading, craft, and writing circles, as well as digital guidance. There are also many recurring events for children and families, such as storytelling sessions. A highlight of the spring is the “Chemist’s Mystery” workshops for 1st to 4th graders, held at both the main library and branch libraries.

“We strive every year to plan the richest, most encouraging, and timely event program possible, which serves our customers widely,” says Suvi Haikola, the service manager responsible for the library’s events.

Library events are an equal opportunity for everyone to participate. They provide an opportunity for reliable information and culture. Events are organized to promote literacy and active citizenship, as well as to maintain the municipality’s vitality.

Library events can be attended accessibly and inclusively. Some of the library’s events are streamed so that they can also be followed from home. We follow the principles of safer spaces in the library premises and events to ensure a safe participation experience for everyone.

The library’s event brochure can be picked up from the libraries, and events can also be explored on the library’s website, Tapahtumakalenteri, The event brochure includes the events of the main library and branch libraries from January to May.

Additional information:

Lahti City Library, Head of Library Services, Suvi Haikola, tel. 044 416 3239,

Photo/Aaro Keipi

Technical issues in the login process of Lahti’s self-service libraries.

There may be short interruptions, lasting a few minutes, in the login process of self-service libraries, temporarily preventing their use.

If you cannot log in and the screen turns red, please wait until it turns blue again and try logging in.

The cause of the interruptions is being looked into. We apologize for any inconvenience.

There will be a short service interruption in the payment functions of the Lastu online library and Lahti libraries at the turn of the year.

Online payments will not be possible to conduct in the Lastu online library from December 31, 2024, at 11:00 PM to January 2, 2025, at 10:00 AM due to the introduction of a new financial management system.

During the interruption, it will also not be possible to make payments at the service desks in the Lahti libraries.

verkkokirjaston käyttöä

Nastola Library will switch to self-service hours earlier than usual on Friday, December 27th. The staff will serve customers till 3 PM, after which the library’s facilities and services will be available for self-service.

At Nastola Library, self-service hours will start earlier than usual on December 27th.

Lahti City Library will be open during Christmas, New Year, and Epiphany as follows:

Main Library

  • Mon 23.12. 8:00–16:00
  • Tue 24.12.–Thu 26.12. closed
  • Tue 31.12. 8:00–16:00
  • Wed 1.1. closed
  • Mon 6.1. closed

Branch Libraries

  • Mon 23.12., Tue 31.12.: 10:00–16:00
  • Tue 24.12.–Thu 26.12., Wed 1.1., Mon 6.1.: closed
  • Self-service libraries open every day:
    • Ahtiala, Jalkaranta, Kärpänen, Liipola, Nastola, Renkomäki – Self-service hours 6:00–22:00
    • Mukkula – Self-service hours 6:00–15:00

Library Bus Saaga

Saaga is not operating due to a technical fault.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

The first weeks of December are almost behind us, but there are still many advent calendar doors to open. So, you still have plenty of time to follow the library’s advent calendar, which this year has the theme “Did you know?”

Behind each door, you’ll find a fun or useful fact about the library. For example, did you know that exactly 100 new copies of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid" (Neropatin päiväkirjaa) have been acquired for Lahti libraries? How high would such a stack reach?

You can find the advent calendar on the library’s Instagram @lahtikirjasto or on our Facebook page Lahti City Library.

Follow @lahtikirjasto on Instagram!

With Christmas materials, you can immerse yourself in the holiday and Christmas vacation atmosphere.

The loan period for Christmas materials is 2 weeks, so by timing your library visit correctly, you can easily keep the loans over the holidays or even into early January. The Christmas collection features many new items across several departments, both in the main and branch libraries.

You can find new Christmas items for both children and adults in the online library.

Welcome to borrow Christmas materials and other holiday reading!

Ahtiala Library’s Christmas cart invites you to borrow!

In the Lahjoita lämpöä -campaign, a total of 338 knitted items, including socks, mittens, and hats, were delivered.

In the Joulupostia ikäihmisille -campaign, a total of 2,312 Christmas cards were delivered to lonely elderly people.

Both the knitted items and the cards have also been distributed to those in need.

What was it about? Christmas charity campaigns in autumn 2024 at Lahti City Library:

Lahti City Library participated in the Lahjoita lämpöä campaign organized by the A-Clinic Foundation and EHYT ry from 2.9.–30.11.2024, collecting mittens, gloves, and wool socks for the homeless and others in need.

Lahti City Library also participated in the Joulupostia ikäihmisille campaign from 4.11.–6.12.2024. The campaign invited residents to send Christmas cards to the elderly. The purpose of the campaign is to share Christmas joy with the elderly – especially those who receive few holiday greetings. The campaign is under the patronage of the President of the Republic, Alexander Stubb.

Christmas charity campaigns are still ongoing at Lahti City Library. Donate warm items this week or bring Christmas mail for the elderly next week.

At the library’s charity collection points, you can spread Christmas cheer and help in the following ways.

Donate Warmth by Knitting - Lahjoita lämpöä -campaign
Lahti City Library is participating in the Lahjoita lämpöä -campaign by A-Clinic Ltd and EHYT ry from September 2 to November 30, 2024, collecting mittens, gloves, and woolen socks for the homeless and others in need. Are you inspired to help by knitting, or do you have ready-made, unused knits to donate?

You can knit and donate woolen mittens, gloves, and socks for the collection! Bring your knits to the main library’s collection point by the end of November.

Send Christmas Mail to the Elderly - Joulupostia ikäihmisille -campaign
Joulupostia ikäihmisille -campaign invites residents to send Christmas cards to the elderly. Lahti City Library is participating in the campaign from November 4 to December 6, 2024. The campaign aims to share Christmas joy with the elderly, especially those who receive few holiday greetings. For some elderly people, this Christmas remembrance may be the only one they receive, making it even more significant in combating loneliness. The campaign is sponsored by the President of the Republic, Alexander Stubb.

You can participate in spreading Christmas joy by delivering a Christmas card to the main library’s collection point. Additionally, collection points can be found at the Ahtiala, Laune, Kärpänen, and Nastola branch libraries.

The campaign poster says, "Light up the darkness. Touch with a card."

The mobile library Saaga has arrived at the library and will serve customers starting Monday, November 25th, 2024. You can get to know the new mobile library Saaga in front of the Main library on Friday, November 22nd, from 12 PM to 2 PM. Welcome to meet Saaga!

Schedules and routes can be found on the Lastu online library.

Additional information:

Lahti City Library Service manager, procurement and logistics services, Johanna Mattila
044 416 3228

EDIT 19.11.2024 The version update has been completed for the Lastu libraries’ library system, and the services are functioning normally


Short service interruption 17.11.-19.11. – please note the annual system update of the Lastu libraries’ library system

The version update of the Lastu libraries’ library system will take place from November 17th to November 19th, 2024. During this time, the Lahti City Library and other Lastu libraries will not offer borrowing, returning, or reservation services. The libraries will be open, but the self-service hours of the branch libraries will not be available.

The version update of the library system will begin on Sunday, November 17th at 7 PM. The system is expected to be back in use on Tuesday, November 19th at 12 PM.

The library system will be out of service during the update, causing a short service interruption for users. Additionally, during the version update, the libraries’ check-in station and check-out stations, self-service, and e-services connected to the system will be out of use. However, the online library will be available to customers during the version update; for example, materials can be searched, but availability information will not be visible, and logging into the online library or renewing and reserving loans will not be possible.

A new library system was introduced in the Lastu libraries in the fall of 2024. The library system will be updated to a new version approximately once a year in the future. The version update will be carried out simultaneously in all libraries using the same system. The version update will bring new features to the system, improve its usability, and further strengthen the system’s security.

The libraries will be open during the version update, but borrowing, returning, or reserving will not be possible. There will be no due dates or final pick-up dates for reservations during the version update period. The self-service hours of the branch libraries will be closed on Sunday, November 17th at 6 PM and are expected to reopen by Tuesday evening.

Opening hours of Lastu libraries during version update 17.11.-19.11.2024

Lahti libraries

Lahti main library

  • Sun 17.11.: 10 am to 4 pm (self-service)
  • Mon 18.11.: 8 am to 8 pm, self-service from 8 am to 10 am
  • Tue 19.11.: 8 am to 8 pm, self-service from 8 am to 10 am

Lahti branch libraries (Ahtiala, Jalkaranta, Kärpänen, Laune, Liipola, Mukkula, Nastola, Renkomäki) are open during service hours. Self-service hours are not available on Sun 17.11. after 6 pm. Self-service hours will return on Tue 19.11. after service hours.

Ahtiala library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 6 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 1 pm to 7 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 1 pm to 7 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Jalkaranta library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 6 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 12 pm to 5 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 12 pm to 5 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Kärpänen library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 6 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 1 pm to 7 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 1 pm to 7 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Laune library

  • Sun 17.11.: Closed
  • Mon 18.11.: 10 am to 7 pm, self-service from 10 am to 1 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 10 am to 7 pm, self-service from 10 am to 1 pm

Liipola library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 6 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 12 pm to 5 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 12 pm to 5 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Mukkula library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 6 am to 3 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 1 pm to 7 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 1 pm to 7 pm

Nastola library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 6 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 1 pm to 7 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 1 pm to 7 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Renkomäki library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 6 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 1 pm to 7 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 1 pm to 7 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Asikkala library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 7 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 12 pm to 7 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 12 pm to 7 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Hartola library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 6 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: Closed
  • Tue 19.11.: 12 pm to 3 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Heinola library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 6 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 10 am to 3 pm, newsroom 9 am to 2 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 10 am to 7 pm, newsroom 9 am to 11 am, self-service open approximately after service hours

Hollola main library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 7 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 9 am to 4 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 12 pm to 4 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Kalliola library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 7 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: Closed
  • Tue 19.11.: 12 pm to 7 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Hämeenkoski library

  • Sun 17.11.: Closed
  • Mon 18.11.: Closed
  • Tue 19.11.: 12 pm to 4 pm

Kärkölä library

  • Sun 17.11.: Closed
  • Mon 18.11.: Closed
  • Tue 19.11.: 12 pm to 4 pm

Orimattila library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 7 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 11 am to 4 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 11 am to 4 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Padasjoki library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 7 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 10 am to 3 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 10 am to 5 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Sysmä library

  • Sun 17.11.: self-service from 7 am to 6 pm
  • Mon 18.11.: 12 pm to 6 pm
  • Tue 19.11.: 12 pm to 6 pm, self-service open approximately after service hours

Check the up-to-date opening hours in the online library at

4.11.2024 EDIT: The disturbance is over!

The technical fault has been fixed.

The services of the Liipola library are working normally again and self-service time is now available.


Liipola Library's self-service hours are temporarily out of use

Liipola's self-service hours are temporarily out of use due to an technical fault.

Liipola library's self-service hours are temporarily unavailable due to a technical fault starting from 30.10. 18:00.

The technical fault is expected to be fixed during the next week. We apologize for any inconvenience.

The annual staff development day will cause exceptions to the library's opening hours on 1.11.

Lahti libraries will be closed on Friday, 1.11., due the annual staff development day. The mobile library will also not be operating. In addition, the main library will be closed on Saturday, 2.11., due to All Saints' Day.

Self-service hours in Ahtiala, Jalkaranta, Kärpänen, Mukkula, Nastola, and Renkomäki will be open for independent use. Liipola's self-service hours are temporarily out of use due to an technical fault.


The welfare and leisure board of Lahti unanimously decided to close the Launee library as of January 1, 2026.

The board states that the savings targeted for the library's financial plan years 2026 – 2027 will be realized with this decision.

The mobile library routes will be redesigned from the beginning of 2026, taking into account the closure of the Laune library.

In addition, the board decided that the library in Mukkula will continue to operate, but the location of the library in more affordable premises than the multi-purpose building will be under clearance.

Otherwise, the board decided the issues according to the agenda at its meeting on October 9, 2024.

The city's news in finnish language can be found on the city's website (link opens in a new window).

Additional information:

Salla Palmi-Felin
Director of Library Services / tel. 050 559 4098

Terhi Lehti
Service manager, local library services / tel. 044 483 1513

Launeen kirjasto Laune library

In case of problems logging into the Lastu online library, proceed as follows.

In the system change, only one library card was transferred to the new system. If you cannot log in to the online library and you have more than one library card, try logging in with them. If you wish, you can switch to another card by visiting the library.

If you only have one card in use and you cannot log in, you can update the PIN code under the button Forgot your password. If logging in to the online library gives a notification that the account cannot be found, visit the library on site and take an ID card with you.

Tietokone, puhelin ja tabletti sekä Lastu-kirjastot  logo

The library system change and the resulting service interruption have ended.

Library services are available again. The Lastu libraries are open and serve normally.

Check the up-to-date opening hours in the online library

The online library

The online library and e-services such as PressReader and Cineast are in use again.

Accessing the Timmi booking system with a library card is available again from 10.10.

In the system change, only one library card was transferred to the new system. If you cannot log in to the online library and you have more than one library card, try logging in with them. If you wish, you can switch to another card by visiting the library.

If you only have one card in use and you cannot log in, you can update the PIN code under the button Forgot your password. If logging in to the online library gives a notification that the account cannot be found, visit the library on site and take an ID card with you.

Self-service library use for under 15-year-old customers from 30.9.

Self-service terms for customers under 15 must be renewed at Lastu libraries on site. Ask for more information about your own library. As an exception, the libraries of Hartola, Kalliola and Padasjoki, where the use of a self-service library does not require the guardian's separate consent.

The renovation of the main library's service water pipes will continue in the customer premises.

In the main library, work is currently being done to renew the service water pipes.
Due to the work, the library has renovation racks and there are occasional water outages.
In addition, renovations are being carried out in the lobby, which is why the toilets and the door may be out of use.

Due to the work, the library has renovation racks and there are occasional water outages.

The library facilities are available to customers.

The library system of Lastu libraries will change from September 16 to September 29, 2024. During this time, you cannot borrow, reserve or return material. Local libraries are closed. Services will gradually return to operation on Monday, September 30.

The replacement of the library system will take place between 16 September and 29 September 2024. During this time, Lahti City Library and other Lastu libraries do not offer loan, return and reservation services. During this time, you cannot borrow, reserve or return material.

During the exchange, some of the library's other services are available. The library's e-materials work during the exchange, with the exception of the Cineast and PressReader services, which are not in use during the exchange. The municipalities' joint E-library is also available. The e-library is a joint service of the municipalities, from which you can borrow e-books, audiobooks and digital magazines. For the time being, you cannot log into the Timmi space reservation system with a library card. Logging in with strong identification works throughout the exchange.

Opening hours of Lastu libraries 16.9.–29.9.2024

The main library in Lahti is open Mon-Fri from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., closed on Sat-Sun. The local libraries in Lahti are closed, and the mobile library does not operate.

Asikkala library is open Mon-Fri from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., closed on Sat-Sun.
The staff opens the doors for pre-arranged events outside of opening hours.

The Heinola library is open Mon-Fri from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., closed on Sat-Sun. The mobile library does not operate.

Hollola's main library is open Mon-Thurs from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Fri from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., closed on Sat-Sun. The Kalliola and Hämeenkoski libraries are closed. The mobile library does not operate.

Some of Padasjoki's library facilities are open Mon-Fri 10:00-15:00, closed Sat-Sun.
The staff opens the doors for pre-arranged events outside of opening hours.

Sysmä library's reading room and part of the library's facilities are open Mon-Fri from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., closed on Sat-Sun.

Hartola library, Kärkölä library and Orimattila library are closed. Orimattila's mobile library does not operate.

Check the up-to-date opening hours in the online library

Lahti library guidances

During the exchange, there will be no digital guidances, no group visits or guidance on how to use the library (with the exception of Wednesday, September 18 at 2-3 p.m. digital guidance in russian language).

The customer view of the online library will not change

The use of the online library and self-service machines in the new system will remain unchanged for customers.

The new library system will continue to enable up-to-date on information security and offers wider opportunities than before to develop the library's operations.

Loan periods will be temporarily extended due to the change of library system from August 12.

From Monday 12.8. the due dates for new and renewed loans will be 7.10.-13.10.2024.
However, the loan period for season tickets is still one week.

New interlibrary loan requests cannot be made in the libraries of Lahti from August 26

In the libraries of Lahti, no new interlibrary loan requests can be made from August 26 until the new interlibrary loan system has been implemented. The remote service outage starts on September 16. and lasts approximately until 30.9.

Heinola library will have a service interruption for interlibrary loan requests from 16 September to 29 September 2024 during the exchange.

interlibrary loans can be renewed during the exchange. For interlibrary loan matters, students can contanct their the educational institution's library's remote service.

In other Lastu libraries, interlibrary loan requests are served normally during the exchange and before it.

Remember to save your loan history by 15.9.

The customer's borrowing history is not transferred from one library system to another.

If you wish, you can save the loan history as a separate list for yourself, which will remain after the system change. If you have selected your loan history to be saved, the selection will also be transferred to the new system and the loan history will start to save again automatically.

Instructions for saving your loan history can be found on the website. You can find instructions for saving your loan history here (in finnish language, link opens in a new window).

If necessary, you can get help from the library staff.

One library card will be transferred to the new system

If you have more than one library card in use, please note that only one of them will be transferred to the new system: the library card active in the old library system.

You can ask your library which card you have active. If necessary, ask the staff to change the desired card to an active one. This way you ensure that the right card is transferred to the new system.

The electronic library card application is out of use

The electronic library card application is out of use and will be back in use on September 30th.

The exchange will be announced in more detail on the library's channels, and this news will be updated on the Lastu libraries' website. More detailed information about the libraries, such as instructions and unusual opening hours during the exchange, will also be included in this news.

The library organizes three residents' evenings, where the importance of local libraries to the community is discussed.

The city library of Lahti organizes community gatherings in three local libraries, where decision-makers and municipal residents have been invited to discuss the importance of libraries in residential areas and their effects on well-being.

The events are organized because the city's austerity measures in the next few years may have an impact on the library network, and the Library Law requires that the municipality must consult its residents in key decisions regarding public libraries.

The times and places of the events are:

Mukkula library on Wednesday 28 August 2024 at 17:30

Address: Tuhtokatu 2A

Laune library on Thursday 19.9. at 5:30 p.m

Address: Aurakatu 11

Kärpänen library on Thursday 3.10. at 5:30 p.m

Address: Kasakkamäentie 16

Residents can also send their views to the decision-makers in advance. Forms and an answer box can be found in all three libraries.

Timeout dialogue principles are followed at the events. The events are open to everyone, no pre-registration required. A warm welcome!

Additional information:

Salla Palmi-Felin
Director of Library Services / tel. 050 559 4098

Terhi Lehti
Service manager, local library services / tel. 044 483 1513

Leave your views to the decision makers! The box can be found in the library, where the residents' evening is organized.

The mobile library Pegasos will no longer run on the routes from August 20. due to a significant technical fault.

The bus's life cycle is at the point where extensive repairs are no longer valid. The new mobile library Saaga will start on the routes during the fall of 2024.

The mobile library service is off until the new mobile library arrives.

Schools and kindergartens on the routes will be notified separately.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Additional information:

Lahti City Library Service manager, procurement and logistics services, Johanna Mattila
044 416 3228

The name of the new mobile library of Lahti city library is Saaga. A record number of name suggestions were given, almost five hundred.

The name selection process was presented to the welfare and leisure board on August 14, 2024.

A raffle was held among those who submitted name suggestions, where the prize is sustainable products in accordance with the principles of the Lahti library. The winners will be contacted personally.

Saaga, which serves the Lahti region, is scheduled to start its route in 2024. Until then, the preceding bus Pegasos will be driving.

Read more about the topic on the Lahti City website (link opens in a new window).

Lahti City from the air
Lahti's new mobile library is ecological and runs on electricity.

The autumn of Lahti City Library events starts in August.

This autumn's first public event, Mastofestareiden Musakirppis, will be held on Friday the 16th. In the open-air event at the library's yard, there are sold for example discarded records and the afternoon is enjoyed to the rhythm of good music.

The city library offers plenty of different events during the fall, to which everyone has free access. There are familiar reading, craft and writing circles, fairy tales and digital guidance workshops, but there is always room for something new as well.

­– Our goal is to prepare the most versatile, timely and comprehensive set of events for our large customer base every year, says Suvi Haikola, the service manager responsible for the library's events.

Crystal clear encounters are experienced in the autumn program. The author guests in the autumn's events are topical names on the contemporary literature. In the aftermath of the Nordic Literature Week, we get a breath from Iceland, when Satu Rämö, who became very popular with her Hildur series, arrives as a guest writer. Rakel, the fourth part of Rämö's detective series, will be published in autumn 2024.

Satu Rämö as author guest 19.11. at 18–19 p.m. at the Lahti main library. The event will be streamed on the Lahti City Library's YouTube channel (, link opens to a new window.), and you can watch the event not only from your own sofa at home, but also in the live streaming seating of the Ahtiala and Nastola libraries on site. (Photo: Björgvin Hilmarsson)

This autumn, topicality can be seen widely in the event selections: not only in the choice of visitors, but also in new, creative collaborations. In September, we will meet journalist-nonfiction author Antti Järvi in ​​the main library. Järvi's work Where did Antti Järvi disappear? (2023) won the Finlandia prize for non-fiction. In the pages of the book, Järvi investigates the fate of his relative who disappeared over the border during the war, and reflects on Finland's historical policy and the consequences of the choices made by individuals. The event is organized in cooperation with Lahti visual arts museum Malva. The Destination exhibition is on running in Malva until November 3, 2024, which tells about leaving and finding something new through the means of contemporary art. During the author's visit, we will discuss Minne katosi Antti Järvi? (Where did Antti Järvi disappear?) and the themes of departure and arrival.

Antti Järvi talks about his work and the themes of his works at the Lahti main library on September 5. at 5:30 p.m. You can also watch the Writers' Night live via the stream on the Lahti City Library's YouTube channel ( (Photo: Marek Sabogal)

Library events are an equal opportunity for everyone. They offer an opportunity for participation and access to information, education and culture. Events are organized to promote well-being, versatile literacy and active citizenship.

­– We hope that it is easy to come to library events. In them, we follow the principles of a safer space, with which we aim to guarantee a safe participation experience for everyone. We also still stream some of the visits, so you can watch them from home if you want, promises Haikola.

Events of the main library and local libraries for the period August-December have been collected in the event brochure. The library's event brochure can be picked up at the library or it can also be viewed on the library's website.
Take a look at the event brochure: (in finnish language), the link opens in a new tab (PDF not accessible), opens in a new window.

Additional information:

Lahti City Library, Head of Library Services, Suvi Haikola, tel. 044 416 3239,

In the Renkomäki district, the construction works that have started in accordance with the street design planning, will cause changes in the traffic arrangements in August. A detour is used when driving from the direction of Orimattilankatu to the Aura community center's parking lots. The journey from the parking lot to the library takes place as usual. In addition, a detour is also used when accessing with public transport, or other vehicular like bicycles or pedestrian ways when coming from the direction of Lahti and Orimattila.

When traveling by car, it is recommended to use the Renkomäki road. There are signs directing the traffic. Exception routes are in use approximately on August 26. until.

Renkomäki library entrance

Renkomäki library entrance.

Additional information:

Lahti City Library, Terhi Lehti, Head of Library Services, Branch Libraries, tel. 044 483 1513

The new mobile library of Lahti city library will soon be ready to serve the municipal residents. You can suggest a name for Lahti's new mobile library on August 7. until.

Lahti's new fully electric mobile library is currently being built. The new mobile library strengthens the library's sustainable and environmentally friendly service development.

Everyone can suggest a name for the new mobile library either online or in all Lahti libraries between July 24 and August 7, 2024. Name suggestions can also be left in the mobile library Pegasos on August 1. from

You can submit a name suggestion in several ways:

  1. You can submit your name suggestion online.
  2. On Lahti Library's social media channels - submit your name suggestion by commenting on a publication related to the topic.
  3. The name suggestion can also give in papersurvey in all Lahti libraries and on 1.8. from now also in the mobile library Pegasos.

    (Note, survey is available only in Finnish, use general translation services offered online or ask help if needed from the library staff).

Sustainable prizes according to the principles of the Lahti library will be drawn among the participants, and the best name suggestion will be awarded.

Lahti's new mobile library is ecological and runs on electricity

Lahti's mobile libraries Eepos, which are at the end of their service life, and Pegasos, which are still on the routes, are slowly being phased out, and the new bus is scheduled to continue as the only mobile library on the Lahti library's routes in the fall of 2024. In addition to its electric drive, the new bus is a low-floor bus, where you don't have to climb stairs. The bus is barrier-free and open to everyone.

Lahti's previous mobile libraries also got their names with the help of a naming contest. Pegasos is currently running Lahti's mobile library and will start its routes again at the beginning of August.

In the picture, the Lahti library cars Eepos and Pegasos in the port of Lahti.
Pegasos and Eepos represented in the port of Lahti. The future colleague of the mobile libraries is still unnamed.

Additional information:
Lahti City Library Library service coordinator,
communications, Nora Nordman phone 044 416 4103

Door renovation at the Nastola Library will be completed sooner than expected. Therefore, the normal library entrances and services will be available in the week beginning July 15.

The Nastola Library’s renovations this summer caused changes to the the Library’s entrances and services. In the beginning of July, a snow recess was built at the front door of the Library to prevent problems caused by snow to the operation of the doors in winter.

The renovation, which was expected to take the whole of July, has been completed sooner than expected. So, the Library’s entrances and services will soon be in normal use. From July 15, the Library can again be entered through its own front door. The Library’s self service hours will be available again from July 17. The self-service hours will be available every day from 6:00 to 22:00.

Nastola Library has a more functional front door for the winter. 

Additional information:

Lahti City Library, Terhi Lehti, Head of Library Services, Branch Libraries, tel. 044 483 1513

Since the end of June, the Ellibs service has no longer been among the services at the Lastu libraries. Replacing Ellibs as the e-book service, library customers can now use E-library, a joint service of Finnish public libraries, which was opened in the spring.

Lastu libraries have terminated the Ellibs e-book service as the joint E-library was opened. The Ellibs service is no longer available to Lastu library customers.

From now on, the E-library can be used by our customers. More material will be continually added to the service. Lastu library customers can borrow e-books and e-audiobooks and read digital replicas of Finnish magazines using the E-library application, which can be downloaded from the App store of your mobile device.

a person reading an e-book

You will find more detailed information about the e-materials on our web pages: E-materials at the Lastu libraries

The renovation works at the Nastola Library will cause changes to the library's entrances and services in the summer.

In July, a snow recess will be built at the front door of the Nastola Library. The aim is to prevent problems caused by snow to the operation of the doors in winter. The renovation will start Monday, July 1, 2024, and it will last approximately four weeks.

During the renovation, the library's self-service hours are not available.

The library is open according to the service opening hours:
Mon, Tue and Thu from 13:00 to 19:00 and Wed and Fri 10:00 to 17:00.

You can enter the library through the main door of the Loisto multipurpose building. The door is located on the same side of the building as the library’s front door. Signs guiding you to Loisto’s main door can be found in front of the library.

The renovation is expected to be completed and the self-service hours will be available no later than Monday, July 29, 2024.

Additional information:

Lahti City Library, Terhi Lehti, Head of Library Services, Branch Libraries, tel. 044 483 1513

between 1 July and 14 July 2024,
Lahti City Library, Johanna Mattila, Head of Library Services, Procurement and Logistics, tel. 044 416 3228

A new green oasis will soon flourish in the yard of the Laune Library because gardening boxes have been brought to the yard as part of the Nature-positive Lahti project.

The Lahti City Library encourages inhabitants of Lahti to be nature positive and for its part, the Library tries to bolster Lahti as an environmental city by making the city greener.  There are now two gardening boxes in the yard of the Laune Library. Lahti residents can grow their own plants in these boxes. Green, urban gardening is a part of a more comprehensive Nature-positive Lahti project, which aims to increase the diversity of nature in the city and make the city greener.

­– The yard of the Laune Library has a new look as gardening boxes have been placed there for Lahti residents. This communal green solution provides local residents with the opportunity to actively participate in the care of urban nature and at the same time enjoy plants they have grown themselves, tells Terhi Lehti, Head of Library Services at the Lahti City Library.

The Library’s yard project, implemented within the framework of the Nature-positive Lahti project, is one of the many measures that aim to improve the quality of life of Lahti residents and enhance sustainable development.  An example of what the project has undertaken earlier is that it has made it possible to increase vegetation in the yards of day care centres. This has led to very positive feedback.

Additional information:

Lahti City Library, Terhi Lehti, Head of Library Services, Branch Libraries, tel. 044 483 1513

Activating Indoor and Outdoor Game Backpacks Available for Everyone in the Lahti Libraries This Summer.

The Age Institute provides the Lahti City Library with backpacks full of games and other material to boost your vitality and facilitate indoor and outdoor activities. The backpacks can be borrowed from the Library.

In the Lahti region, there are already more than ten groups involved in the Together in the Neighbourhood Project. In these groups the inhabitants of Lahti can plan different activities to be carried out for example in the recreational facilities or the yards of their apartment houses. In the backpacks you will also find a guide on how to get started with the Together in the Neighbourhood activities.

– We hope that these backpacks will inspire residents of all ages, older people as well as families and groups of friends, to spend time together. In the summer, people are interested in yard games and expect to get instructions for outdoor exercise activities. It’s great that the Library makes it possible the Together in the Neighbourhood backpacks can be borrowed, says Jukka Murto, Together in the Neighbourhood Project Coordinator at the Age Institiute.

Suvi Haikola, Head of Library Services at the Lahti City Library, is also happy about the donation and thinks the game backpacs are well-suited to the Library’s collection.

– The game packpacks are a nice addition to the sports equipment and games the Library already offers, says Haikola.

The loan period for the game backpacks is two weeks.

Additional information:

Suvi Haikola, Head of Library Services, Lahti City Library, 044 416 3239

Read more about the Age Institute and Together in the Neighbourhood Project here.
Jukka Murto, Age Institute Coordinator, 040 552 7100 /  

The main library's summer schedule begins on June 1st.

During June, July, and August, our hours will be as follows:

  • Monday to Friday: 8 AM - 7 PM, with self-service from 8 AM - 10 AM
  • Saturday: 10 AM - 4 PM, with self-service hours
  • Sunday: Closed

lahti harbour lahden satama

Starting June 1. 2024, there will be changes to the parking time limits at the Main Library's customer parking area.

To increase turnover in the parking spots, the two-hour parking spaces will be changed to one-hour spaces. The thirty-minute parking spots will remain the same. The goal of these changes is to promote more efficient parking.

Customer parking spots at the Main Library from June 1, 2024:

  • One-hour parking spaces
  • Thirty-minute parking spaces

Please note that parking is only permitted for those visiting the Main Library.

For more information:
Petri Neuvonen, Building Maintenance Manager
Tel. 044 483 1975

parking sign pysäköintimerkki

National E-Library opened on April 29, 2024 and it's now available to library customers.

The National E-library is a joint service for Finnish municipalities. It is provided by the National Library of Finland together with Finnish public libraries. Via this service customers can borrow e-books, e-audiobooks and Finnish digital journals. New material is being added to the E-library all the time. So, there will be something new to read and listen to every week.

The E-library is available through an E-library application, which can be installed on mobile devices. E-library applications can now be downloaded from app stores. The service is safe and free of charge. To register in the service for the first time, strong authentication is required. You need Finnish bank credentials to use the service.

Read more about the National E-library from National Library of Finland's website.

kaksi nuorta kuuntelee e-kirjaa

The Main Library Auditorium floor, which had been damaged by microbes, has been repaired, and the Auditorium can be used again.

According to Salla Palmi-Felin, Director of Library Services, library events and group visits will be moved to the Auditorium during the spring, whenever possible.

”When planning events for next autumn, we’ll take into consideration that the Auditorium can be used again for library events, and we can also accept reservations from other event organizers. Reservations can be made via the Lahti City website at”

The Main Library Auditorium has been out of service since August 2023. When a dampness and indoor air survey was conducted, It became apparent that there was a need to renovate the Auditorium floor.

The dampness and indoor air survey was conducted to form a basis for the Main Library renovation project. It is estimated that the Main Library renovation will begin no later than 2028. At first, measures will be taken to make sure the Library will remain available.

In addition to the repairs of the Auditorium floor, the measures first taken include a more efficient ventilation. In the summer of 2024, a few other technical repairs will also be carried out in some areas of the Library. If the repairs have a significant effect on how the library spaces can be used, customers will be informed of the situation.

A working group targeting the Main Library indoor air quality follows the City’s indoor air operating model. According to the estimate of the working group, the indoor air quality in the Library is stable. You can get acquainted with the Lahti City indoor air operating model at the City’s website, at

The Main Library Auditorium

Additional information

Lahti Tilakeskus, Jussi Hietala, indoor air expert,, 044 482 6222
Salla Palmi-Felin, Director of Library Services,, 050 559 4098

The Lastu libraries have acquired Cineast, a film streaming service. The service is free of charge for library patrons. However, a Lastu library card is required. You can log in to the service with your library card number and PIN code.

At the moment, the Cineast collection has more than 1500 films for adults and children, and new films are added to the collection every week. The versatile collection has films from several countries, including Finland, and documentaries, too. The collection has plenty of films for children. The service has an age limit verification system, which prevents children from watching a film rated above their age limit. 

It is possible to browse the collection via menu options, for example by genre, language, year or age limit. You may also use keywords to search for films. The front page shows a number of recommended films. Among these are films from different genres and films by some notable directors.

You can log in to the service at You may borrow five (5) films per month. A film that has been borrowed is available for 48 hours. During this time you can watch the film as many times as you want. The service is available via the web browser or by downloading the Cineast mobile app from your mobile device’s app store. The films can be watched on television with Chromecast or Apple TV AirPlay.

Stream movies with your libary card.
1) Get started. Go to on your computer or tablet and select your library.
2) Pick a move. Confirm the loan with your library card number and pin.
3) Enjoy the movie. Your loan is now activated, and you can start enjoying the movie, available for 48 hours.

The Nastola Library has acquired a Framery office pod, a soundproof working booth. The office pod is meant for no more than two people at a time and it is meant for patrons wishing to have a quiet place to work or study. The space may be used during the library’s service hours and also during the self-service hours.

How to reserve the sound proof space

You can use the sound proof working space after you have reserved it via the Timmi booking system. To use the space during the library’s self-service hours you have to first access the library with your library card and PIN code.

You can reserve the sound proof space via the Timmi booking system. You can log in to the Timmi system with e-identification or with your library card and PIN code. Using the system is simple. However, you can ask the library’s customer service for help and guidance in making a reservation.

Self-service hours in the Nastola Branch Library will be restricted beginning on February 16. Because of the restrictions, self-service hours are available on weekdays (Mon-Fri) from 6:00 am until the beginning of service hours and on weekends from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm. On Fridays the library closes at 5 pm. The restrictions last until April 1, 2024.

The self-service hours must be restricted because of the disorderly conduct of some customers. The behaviour of these individuals in an unsupervised area has been inappropriate and against the library rules. Several people have repeatedly been allowed to enter the library without logging in, and there has been disturbance in the library. Restricting the self-service hours is necessary to ensure the safety of other customers and the security of the library spaces.

Nastolan kirjaston sisäkuva

The Lastu libraries have acquired a music streaming service focused on jazz music, Naxos Music Library Jazz. In addition to music recordings, the service has other material, such as curated playlists.

You can access the service with a Lastu library card number. The service can also be used with an NML Jazz App. You can search for music by using a search box or browse the collection for example by performer, record company or genre.

Because of a flaw in the library system, customer service in the libraries may be slower than usual. The problem may also have an impact on reservation pick-up notices sent by text message.

There are things you can do to avoid situations caused by the flaw in the system:

  • Use the self-service stations – borrow, renew and return your items at the self-service stations.
  • Use the Web Library – pay your overdue fines, follow the status of your reservations and fill out a library card application form in the Web Library.
  • Use the Web Library’s search functions – search for material at the website.
  • Log in to your account and instead receiving reservation notices by text message, select the email option.

If you have reserved material, follow the status of your reservation by logging in to your account in the Web Library. In this way you can check the current status of the reservation or whether the material can already by picked up.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers. Thank you for your understanding and patience!

The Main Library Auditorium will be out of service as of August, 2023 because there are damages in the space that may cause harm to people’s health. Therefore, the space needs to be renovated. The rest of the library building can be used as before. However, basic renovations in the whole Main Library will begin no later than 2028. Before that, there will be measures to make the use of the library safe.  

- When planning library events for the autumn, we have already taken into consideration that the Auditorium cannot be used. Events will be organized on a smaller scale in other library spaces. We will also try to provide normal service to groups from schools, says Salla Palmi-Felin, Director of Library Services.

Jussi Hietala, an indoor air expert at Lahti Tilakeskus (City’s property management, construction and maintenance services), says that a comprehensive dampness and indoor air survey has been conducted to form the foundation for the Main Library renovation project.
- Based on the statement by the health control authorities, there are damages that cause various kinds of health risks in different parts of the building.  

According to Hietala, damages that cause health risks can be found especially in the Auditorium, where damage caused by microbes has been detected on the floor. Therefore, the use of the Auditorium was already scaled down during the spring of 2023. According to the estimate of the Occupational Health Services, exposure to the materials in the Auditorium causes a moderate risk to the health.  

- In other parts of the building, possible health problems may be caused by sources of mineral wool fibres left unprotected in the structures and in the ventilation system.  Microbes in the lower parts of the exterior walls may also cause problems. However, according to the estimate of the Occupational Health Services, the significance of these factors to people’s health is slight, Hietala points out. 

The City’s Indoor Air Group has decided to set up a special Main Library indoor air working group. 

Lahti Tilakeskus is taking action to reduce, limit and eliminate the factors causing harm to people’s health. In 2023 and by the summer of 2024 measures will be taken to make using the Main Library facilties safer, for example by controlling the building pressure, by making ventilation more efficient and by carrying out structural repairs in necessary places. The basic renovation will begin no later than 2028.  

Additional information 

Lahti Tilakeskus, Jussi Hietala, indoor air expert,, 044 482 6222   

Salla Palmi-Felin, Director of Library Services,, 050 559 4098 

Lahti City Indoor Air Policy (in Finnish):


FC Lahti, which plays in the highest Finnish football league, has donated six season tickets to the Lahti City Library. The season tickets can be borrowed from the Main Library and the Nastola Library. The season tickets give free access to all FC Lahti home games. The season tickets have a loan period of one week and they cannot be renewed of reserved. The tickets must be returned to the library location where they were borrowed. One person may not borrow a season ticket more than three times during the season.

FC Lahti’s game schedule can be found at (the page is only in Finnish).

Kirjastopalvelujohtaja Salla Palmi-Felin vastaanottaa kausikortin FC Lahden pelaajalta. Kuva vuodelta 2022.

Salla Palmi-Felin, Director of Library Services, received the 2022 season tickets from FC Lahti players.

Many of our customers have been asking whether it would be possible to borrow a garbage picker from the library. Now it is possible because of the cooperation between the library and the Lahti City Environmental Services.

Garbage pickers can be borrowed from all libraries in Lahti. The loan period is 14 days.

carbage pickers

The Pegasos Mobile library will not be running its evening routes on Monday, April 3 and its morning routes on Tuesday, April 4.

There will also be changes to the Mobile library timetable at Easter. On Thursday, April 6, the Mobile library will not run its evening routes. The Mobile library will not operate at all from April 7 to April 10. On Tuesday, April 11, the Mobile library will not visit schools but it will run the evening routes as usual.

The Lahti City Wellbeing and Leisure Committee has decided on Wednesday, March 22 that self-service hours in the Mukkula Library are only available in the mornings. The self-service hours are not available in the afternoons or evenings after the library has closed. The restriction is in effect until further notice. There have already been limited self-service hours in the Mukkula Library after December 16, 2022.

The self-service hours at Mukkula are available in the mornings before the normal service begins and on weekends until 15:00. On weekdays the library closes after normal service hours: on Mondays and Tuesdays at 19:00, on Wednesdays at 16:00, on Thursdays and Fridays at 15:00. The self-service hours begin every day at 6:00.

The decision to restrict the self-service hours is due to some customers behaving in an inappropriate manner, breaking library rules. There has been continual vandalism in the library, facilities have been damaged and big bunches of people have crowded the library spaces. This kind of behaviour is a threat to other customers and to the library building.

We are trying to find solutions to this situation through multidisciplinary collaboration.