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Door Renovation at Nastola Library Has Been Completed – Self-Service Hours Available Again from July 17

Door renovation at the Nastola Library will be completed sooner than expected. Therefore, the normal library entrances and services will be available in the week beginning July 15.

The Nastola Library’s renovations this summer caused changes to the the Library’s entrances and services. In the beginning of July, a snow recess was built at the front door of the Library to prevent problems caused by snow to the operation of the doors in winter.

The renovation, which was expected to take the whole of July, has been completed sooner than expected. So, the Library’s entrances and services will soon be in normal use. From July 15, the Library can again be entered through its own front door. The Library’s self service hours will be available again from July 17. The self-service hours will be available every day from 6:00 to 22:00.

Nastola Library has a more functional front door for the winter. 

Additional information:

Lahti City Library, Terhi Lehti, Head of Library Services, Branch Libraries, tel. 044 483 1513