Here’s how you do it!
- Download the booklet: Readingdiploma (.pdf, opens in a new window)
- Completing the reading diploma is totally optional, but it is a great way to find new reads. Talk to your teacher about receiving extra credit for completing the diploma or choosing books that are not included in this booklet.
- To complete the diploma, read six (6) books from the following list during middle school. You can choose to read only novels, or you can choose one of the following options:
- One non-fiction book and five novels.
- Two graphic novels and four novels
- One non-fiction book, two graphic novels and three novels.
- For each book you read, choose a task from the list provided in this booklet. Choose a different task for each book. Once your teacher has signed the back of this booklet to show you have completed the diploma, you can bring it to any Lahti library to take part in a lottery for surprise prizes twice a year.
- Download the diploma: todistus_eng (.pdf, opens in a new window)