Siirry sisältöön

Principles of a Safer Space

The Lahti City Library’s principles of a safer space have been set to make the Library as safe as possible for everyone.

The principles emphasize the openness of the Library, and they have been created for both library customers and staff. The principles of a safer space will guide customers and staff to respect diversity and the privacy of library visitors. It is very unlikely that any public space can be completely safe but it is the purpose of the Library that no one visiting the Library will have to experience any form of discrimination, bullying, harassment or violence.

The principles of a safer space point out that the staff is in the Library for the customers. Library visitors can inform the staff of unpleasant situations or inappropriate treatment. The staff has agreed on the ground rules on how to proceed in such situations.  

These principles can be found at all the public libraries in Lahti.

The staff is in the library for the customers.
Tell us about your observations, we will intervene in disturbances.
Ask for help, we are happy to help you.

The library is for everyone
All are welcome to the library and the events in the library.
In the library you can spend your time in peace
In the library we respect everyone’s privacy and own space.
Openness is the foundation of our operation
We appreciate diversity.
All kinds of bullying, harassment and discrimination in the library are prohibited
No one may behave in a way that makes others feel unsafe.

Discrimination-free zone